Ahoy Sailor by John Goo

John Goo from Istanbul has contributed some great psychedelic and Krautrock mixes in the last few months - such as  Psyche Mix and Dance For The Papa - but this time it's soft rock disco all the way. 

Lonely Island - Wishbone Ash
Freshro! - Pacific State 
Coyote - How You Doin' ( IPG Remix ) 
Marvin Gaye - Inner City Blues 
The Rolling Stones - Tops 
Beard Science - After The Storm ( Oswego Basement Edit ) 
Too Much Attention - Bobby Lee 
Lindsay Buckingham - Trouble, No Trouble 
Lou Reed - Walk on the Wild Side ( Rocco Raimundo Extended ) 
Escort - Camaleon Camaleon 
C13 Interior - Bizzarre Disco


This is a great set. Well done, mate!

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