La Roche de Yacht Volume One by pH
Congratulations to Paul Hillery whose Sweet Friction mix for us was picked by Gawker as one of the best things they listened to in 2014. Sweet Friction was the first in Paul's six volume West Coast, Sunset Disco and Yacht Rock series which played over 150,000 times last year on our Soundcloud page alone. So we're very pleased to start 2015 with a new series from Paul and this time we leave the shores of Los Angeles to explore the sound of European and Latin American yacht rock rarities from the 1970s.
Hans Hess - Welche Farbe Hat Der Wind
Daniel Mathieu - La Marie-Jeanne
Hilario Camacho - Letania
Roger Rönning - April Kommer
Gilles Rivard - Demain Demain
Santiago - Vaso De Vino
Locust - Good People
Heikki Sarmanto & Jeannine Otis - Magic Song
Alquin - Soft Royce
Brezovar - Some Days Ago
Emmanuel Booz - Et L'on M'Appelle Emmanuel Booz
Max Berlin's - She And I
Tulio De Piscopo - Stop Bajon
Alan Sorrenti - Sliding On The Wire
Daniel Mathieu - La Marie-Jeanne
Hilario Camacho - Letania
Roger Rönning - April Kommer
Gilles Rivard - Demain Demain
Santiago - Vaso De Vino
Locust - Good People
Heikki Sarmanto & Jeannine Otis - Magic Song
Alquin - Soft Royce
Brezovar - Some Days Ago
Emmanuel Booz - Et L'on M'Appelle Emmanuel Booz
Max Berlin's - She And I
Tulio De Piscopo - Stop Bajon
Alan Sorrenti - Sliding On The Wire