Do You Like...Michael Franks? by J Feathers
"I know that not everyone into AOR digs Mike," says Detroit's J Feathers, the man behind our superb Light Departures series. And it's true. Frank's smooth jazz stylings, the gentleness of his vocals (reminiscent of James Taylor) and the often quietly humorous lyrics can all just come across as too nice on first listen. "BUT, if you give him the chance, you’ll be calling him Uncle Mike in no time," adds Feathers. "So if you're going to the beach, making love...or making love on the beach, look no further than this mix for your ultimate soundtrack."
when the cookie jar is empty
on my way home to you
st. elmo’s fire
never say die
i really hope it’s you
three today
when it’s over
loving you more and more
rainy night in tokyo
when i give my love to you
now your in my dreams
let me count the ways
dear little nightingale
all dressed up with nowhere to go
when sly calls (don’t touch that phone)
chain reaction
just like key largo
tell me all about it
Download / Do You Like...Kenny Loggins?
Never Satisfied. Sanpaku. Love Duet. Down in Brazil.
Much to Cherish. Thank you for the special mix Mr J. Feathers.